
on to reading adventures

As I continue to struggle with memory issues in daily life I also continue to be able to enjoy reading as an ongoing adventure. I have started in on the collected works of Flannery O'Connor, renowned for her fiction that is labelled as "Southern Gothic". Flannery writes as a southerner and a Catholic, and of a world haunted by outbreaks of grace. I had been a fan of hers years before I found myself a student at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. There I discovered that my room-mate  could recite my favorrite O'Connors' short story - Revelation - by memory.

This journey along my bookshelf brings me to a collection of the writings of Joan Didion. I know her book "The Year of Magical Thinking" but I have not read many of her other writing - through which she became known as one of the founders of "new journalism". Feel free to send me a note recommeding other authors I might add to to my reading journey.



 I am just back from another stretch in hospital.  Pneumonia struck witrhin hours and I was taken by ambulance for a week long stay in the hospital. I guess rhis is what can happen when one if immuno compromised. It is frustrating and scary. I made it  through thanks to such care at the hospital and he prayers and words of so many of you. I made it home in time to celebrate my 70th.  Now to continue with masking and hand washing as we have been doing for years now. Thanks for your kind words posted here. Take care, Ed.