
janice is still riding

Janice Love is a former colleague at University Hill Congregation and long-time friend who now lives in Vernon, BC with her husband Jim and their eight year old son (and my godson) Jameson. Janice is a co-conspirator in the creation of the Christian Seasons Calendar. She was the one who created the first prototype after I had imagined what seemed an improbable concept. Now, all these years later, she continues as part of the team that publishes and distributes the calendar. This past July Janice was inspired to begin training for the Ride to Conquer Cancer in support of cancer research. It means she plans to participate in the bike ride from Vancouver to Seattle in June 2012. It is a long ride! 

Since July she has been patiently building up her strength and endurance on the bike (which she hasn't been riding for years). She reports that all is going well and that she is feeling fit as a result. Janice is riding and raising funds to support research into blood cancers in my name and in the name of Simon Higginson, the brother of Jameson's school principal, who has also been diagnosed with multiple myeloma.

The ride is six months away. My experience in training for long distance runs suggests that it may seem far off now but that the ride will be here in no time. While Janice trains she benefits from the encouragement of donors who contribute towards her goal of $3,200. To date she has raised 21% of that target ($675). Perhaps you can contribute before the end of the month (and add a tax receipt for 2011). Every donation - large and small - counts and encourages.

You can see a picture of Jameson and me when he was an infant and you can make a contribution to Janice's ride by visiting Janice's Ride to Conquer Cancer site. Your support for Janice, for Simon and for me is a great encouragement to us all. Thanks so much!


  1. Thanks, Ed! It might also be helpful to note that folks don't have to wait until the Ride next June to see their donations go to work - as soon as you make a donation, those funds start to be used in research and treatments.

  2. Go Janice, Go! this is such a huge deal and you're going to be oh so fit!! Wish I had the guts to do it too....maybe someday!
    We haven't donated yet, but we will.
    Ride Janice, Ride!!
