
I have had articles published in periodicals connected with The United Church of Canada such as Touchstone, Gathering, Mandate and The Observer. Beyond the Canadian context I have written for Word & World, Journal for Preachers, the Gospel and Our Culture Network, and The Christian Century.

"The Life with God Bible" (the introduction to, and notes for, Ezekiel), "The New Interpreter's Handbook of Preaching" (an article titled 'Shaping Congregational Identity') "Feasting on the Word" (a homiletical perspective on three texts from Ephesians in year B of the lectionary) and "Feasting on the Gospels" (a pastoral perspective on three texts from John 3) include contributions from me. I am the editor of "Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann"

My doctoral project is titled "Figural Preaching in a Missional Congregation: A Descriptive Case Study of the Relationship Between Figural Preaching and Ecclesial Formation." It was supervised by Charles Campbell and Walter Brueggemann.